83+ Millennial Travel Statistics

Cazzy Magennis
Written By:
Cazzy Magennis
Last Updated:
January 1, 2025
Check out these most up-to-date statistics about millennial travel, including their top destinations and the characteristics of millennial travellers.
Millennials Travel Statistics

Born between 1981 and 1996, millennials today make up about 23% of the global population.

There are approximately 1.8 billion millennials in the world.

As the largest adult cohort alive today, millennials or Gen Y inevitably make up a significant proportion of the travel industry.

But did you know that in 2016, millennials who travelled as a family spent $50.4 billion in total?

And where do millennials like to travel?

Below we’ve gathered some of the most interesting millennials travel trends and statistics for you.

Let’s jump right in!

Sources: You’ll notice the source of each statistics directly under it, but you can head over to the end of this blog post for the complete list of resources and articles used.

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What generation spends the most on travel?

Baby boomers tend to spend the most on travel.

According to a survey in June 2018, younger millennials had planned to spend $4,558 on travel in the next 12 months. This is lower than the number for both baby boomers ($6,691) and Gen Xers ($5,400).

Are millennials more likely to travel?

Yes. The average millennial travels 35 days per year, much more than Gen X (26 days), baby boomers (27 days), and Gen Z (29 days).

average travel day by generation

What are the travel characteristics of millennials?

In general, millennial travellers tend to be motivated by novelty, new experiences, and off-the-beaten path destinations. They are open-minded travellers who love creating unique itineraries and travel independently.

Millennials are also very interested in immersing in the local culture as well as giving back to the local community.

Finally, technology and social media plays an important part in a millennial’s travel lifestyle. 67% of millennials visit online website daily as they travel, while 55% post their vacation photos every day on social media while travelling.

Millennials Travel Statistics: Quick Look

  • In June 2018, younger millennials in particular anticipated taking an average of 3.7 vacations in the next 12 months.
  • 68% of millennials said they would consider splurging on a huge trip in 2022.
  • Nearly 7 in 10 millennials (67%) say that they’d like to go on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation in 2022.
  • The number one destination that millennials want to visit if they could travel anywhere worldwide is France.
  • In a 2022 survey, 1 in 4 travellers said they were planning to travel alone in the next 6 months, with millennials and Gen Z most likely to travel solo.
  • The top activity among millennial travellers is sightseeing, with 88% reporting to enjoy it during vacation.
  • 77% of millennials use text message daily while travelling.
  • 55% of millennials also take travel photos and post them on social media every day.
  • Compared to baby boomers, millennials are more likely (71%) to make more or the same amount of travel plans in 2022 than pre-pandemic.
  • For 77% of millennials, the Covid-19 vaccine made travel feel safer and more comfortable in 2022.

Millennials Travel: Frequency and Habit

How often do millennials travel?

1. In 2018, the average millennial expected to take more than 4 domestic leisure trips within that year.


Compared to Gen X travellers and baby boomers, Millennials anticipated taking the most trips (both internationally and domestically) within the 2018 period.

2. In June 2018, younger millennials in particular anticipated taking an average of 3.7 vacations in the next 12 months.


3. American millennials are reported to travel an average of 35 days per year, significantly more than other generations.


Meanwhile, the average travel days for other generations in the US are 26 for Gen X, 27 for baby boomers, and 29 for Gen Z.

average travel day by generation

4. A 2022 outlook by Expedia indicated that 49% of millennials expect to travel internationally within the next six months.


They are the generation that anticipates the most international travel within that year.

5. The average US traveller wanted to travel 6% more in 2017, but millennial families intended to travel significantly more, at 35%.


In 2017, millennial families in the US said they wanted to travel 35% more that year.

6. About 44% of all digital nomads in the United States are millennials, making them the generation most likely to adopt the lifestyle.

[MBO Partners]

In the US, millennials make up 44% of the digital nomad population. They’re followed by Gen X (23%), Gen Z (21%), and baby boomers (12%).

US digital nomads by generation

Millennials Travel Spending

How much do millennials spend on travel?

7. According to a survey in June 2018, younger millennials had planned to spend $4,558 on travel in the next 12 months.


This is lower than the number for both baby boomers ($6,691) and Gen Xers ($5,400).

8. 68% of millennials said they would consider splurging on a huge trip in 2022.

[Hospitality Trends]

This is less than 72% of Gen-Zers, but more than 60% of Gen-Xers and just over half of baby boomers (51%).

9. The majority of millennials agree that cost of travel is twice as important as other factors that affect travel plans.

[Hospitality Trends]

10. By 2030, millennials are expected to have an annual income of more than $4 trillion altogether.


11. Millennial consumer spending over the next 10 years will be powered especially by Asia. In particular, the lower middle classes from India, Indonesia, and China, with a market share worth $20 trillion.


This significant increase in spending power will positively impact the travel and tourism industry, especially as millennials travel more.

12. In 2016, millennials who travelled as a family spent $50.4 billion during that year alone.


Millennials Top Travel Destinations

Where do millennials travel?

13. In 2015, millennials made a total of 3.8 million trips, 18 million nights and £1.269 billion in Scotland alone.


The millennial market contributed £1.269 billion to tourism in Scotland in 2015. 

14. Nearly 7 in 10 millennials (67%) say that they’d like to go on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation in 2022.


15. The number one destination that millennials want to visit if they could travel anywhere worldwide is France.


In 2022, when Gen Z and millennials were asked where they’d go if they could travel anywhere in the world, the number one answer was France. The most common reason for this choices is that millennials think it’s “beatiful” and wanted to visit the City of Love, or Paris.

16. Hawaii, Japan, the Caribbean, and Florida rounds the top 5 places that Gen Z and millennials most wanted to travel to.


17. The UK falls as the top 7th most sought-after destination among Gen Z and millennials, while Ireland take the 10th spot.


The UK is the 7th most popular travel destination among Gen Z and millennials, whereas Ireland rounds up the top 10 ranking.

18. Meanwhile, a different report from Independent stated that Bora Bora was the most tending destination for millennials in 2019.


The interest in Bora Bora as a travel destination rose by 24% compared to 2018, as predicted and analyzed by the mobile app Hopper.

19. Saint Martin was the second most trending millennial destination in 2019, with interest increasing by 21% from 2018.


20. On the other hand, some destinations also trended down between 2018 and 2019, with Frankfurt experiencing 17% decline in popularity.


21. According to the Hopper app, interest in Managua, Nicaragua fell by 16%.


22. Toronto, Canada also lost a bit of interest among millennial travellers (12% down from 2018).


Despite being one of the best places to visit in Canada, the millennial travel interest in Toronto still experienced a slight drop in 2019.

Millennials Travel Motivation

Why do millennials love travelling so much?

23. For 78% of younger millennials, the main motivation for travel is relaxation.


24. Millennials are also very motivated to experience new destinations and explore off-the-beaten path areas when they travel.


25. A survey in 2022 showed that the travel purpose for most millennials is to see family and friends.

[Hospitality Trends]

This reason consistently ranks as number one across all generations, including Gen Z, Gen X, and baby boomers.

26. The second most popular reason for leisure travel among millennials in 2022 was mental health boost, followed by visiting new U.S. cities, international trips, cheap deals, and fulfilling bucket list items.

[Hospitality Trends]

27. Roughly 8 in 10 Gen Z and millennial travellers in the US are looking for a new and unique experience for their next travel.


28. 85% of millennials want to travel to places where they can immerse in the local culture.


This is a higher percentage compared to other generations, with the average being 81%.

29. 83% of millennial travellers also say that they wish for their money to go back to the local community.


This shows an awareness among millennials who travel towards the local community and environment.

30. Similarly, 83% of millennials want to be more purposeful in planning their trip and choosing which companies to book with.


Millennials Travel Statistics: Solo, Friends & Family Travel

Do millennials travel with friends or alone?

31. In a 2022 survey, 1 in 4 travellers said they were planning to travel alone in the next 6 months, with millennials and Gen Z most likely to travel solo.


About 25% of all travellers are planning to travel alone. This shows the rising popularity of solo travel not only among millennials, but also other generations.

32. 58% of millennials around the world also say that they are willing to travel alone, much higher than 47% of the older generations.


33. Moreover, 26% of millennial women have taken a trip alone. 27% of these women have never travelled solo but are willing to consider it.


Solo travel is becoming more and more common among female travellers, with 26% of millennial women having travelled alone.

34. Almost half (49%) of millennials say that they’re willing to visit their bucket-list destination alone.


35. More than half (58%) of Amercan millennials who travelled overnight in 2017 have kids under the age of 18.


It shows that millennials continue to travel even once children enter the picture.

36. In the next two years, almost half of millennial travellers plan to take a family vacation.


37. 41% millennials who travel with children visit beach resorts.


The most popular type of destination for millennials travelling with their family and kids is beach resorts (41%).

38. The second most popular trip type for millennials with kids is (36%) major metropolitan cities.


39. 1 in every 4 millennial families go on an international vacation.


Millennials with children go on more international trips than other generations.

40. For millennials travelling with kids, they rely on online reviews (37%) and social media posts of friends and family (29%) to pick a destination.


41. Out of millennials who travel with their children, 62% do so with kids that are five years old or younger.


42. In 2016, millennial families made up around 16% of all active travellers in the US.


Accommodation in Millennial Travel

Where do millennials like to stay when travelling?

43. In 2021, 40% of campers in North America was reported to be Millennials.


A report identified that Millennials make up the largest proportion of campers in North America, making up 40% of total campers in the region.

Campers include people travelling and living in an RV.

44. A survey in 2018 revealed that 42% of the millennials who had travelled overnight in the last 12 months prefer to stay with friends or family.


Staying with friends or family is the most preferred accommodation type for millennial travellers, as stated by 42% of the respondents.

45. 43% of younger millennials (21-29 year olds) have used shared accommodation while travelling.


46. Among those who haven’t used shared accommodation while on vacation, the main reason for 70% of them was because they didn’t want to share accommodation with strangers.


47. More than half of millennials (51%) consider free internet and Wi-Fi as the most desirable amenity in a hotel.


48. In 2018, the majority of millennials (53%) still preferred traditional hotels and resorts as their top accommodation choice.


The hotel industry doesn’t have to worry about declining number of guests, despite the rising popularity of private rentals and alternative accommodations. 53% of millennials choose full-service hotels as their top choice when travelling.

49. 35% of millennial travellers prefer luxury hotels and resorts (35%).


50. Camping makes it as the top 5 preferred accommodation (33%) for millennials. 


51. Other travel accommodations popular among millennials include house/vilal rentals (32%), cruise ships, (29%), B&Bs (23%), and apartment rentals (23%).


millennials preferred travel accommodation

Millennials Travel Trends

What do millennials look for in travel?

52. The top activity among millennial travellers is sightseeing, with 88% reporting to enjoy it during vacation.


53. Eran Ketter’s 2020 research found that millennials drive four key trends in tourism, including creative tourism, off-the-beaten-track tourism; alternative accommodation, and fully digital tourism.

[Eran Ketter]

54. Millennials tend to be open-minded travellers who prefer creating their own unique experiences and travel independently.

[Eran Ketter]

55. The millennial generation is constantly in search of novelty, a different lifestyle, and new experiences when they travel.

[Eran Ketter]

56. Millennials tend to be open-minded travellers who prefer creating their own unique experiences and travel independently.

[Eran Ketter]

57. Although millennials tend to care more about sustainability in travel compared to their older generations, only 48% of millennial travellers are willing to pay more for a travel service provider that is eco-conscious.

[Telus International]

Millennials are surpassed by Gen Z in this regard, as more of their cohort (54%) are willing to pay higher rates for environmentally responsible travel companies.

Millennials Travel Booking and Planning

How do millennials book travel?

58. More than half (53%) of millennials book their travel with an online travel agency. 


In general, 53% of millennials make use of OTAs to book their travels.

59. The most popular method for booking among millennial travellers is thorugh a travel website, with 64% using it.


60. A survey in June 2018 revealed that when searching for vacation ideas, 56% of millennials get information from their friends or family.


This shows that despite the growing influence of the Internet for travel planning, word of mouth among friends and family is still a powerful tool that will affect a millennial’s travel plan.

61. As of July 2018, 72.1% of millennials would use user-generated content when planning their trips.


62. The second most popular travel planning method among millennials is social media, which is used by 66.9% of the respondents.


63. Millennials are least like to refer to destination marketing organization (DMO) website for travel planning.


64. 62% of younger millennials visit Google regularly to get travel information.


Google is also the top visited website for travel information among older millennials.

65. The most important factor when choosing a travel destination for millennials is safety, with 57% agreeing to the statement.


66. Millennials are less likely to book trips a month or less in advance (58%), compared to 64% of baby boomers.

[Hospitality Trends]

This slight difference is likely because millennials tend to have more inflexible work commitments, whereas many baby boomers might already be in retirement.

67. Half of millennial travellers discover a new travel company through research on their phone.


68. More than half of millennials (55%) admit to spending more time planning vacations than planning their retirement.


This statistic shows just how much importance millennials put on travel and vacation days.

69. 55% of millennials have loyalty points accumulated during the pandemic, which many say will be used to fund their travels.


This proportion is lower than Gen Z (61%) but still higher than the older generations, Gen X (33%) and baby boomers (23%).

Social Media and Travel Among Millennials

What percentage of millennials post on social media while travelling?

70. According to 45% of millennials, Booking.com is the online travel brand with the best social media presence.


45% of millennials in a 2021 survey believed that Booking.com has the best social media presence out of all other online travel brands.

This is followed by Airbnb, with 30% of respondents thinking they have the most excellent presence on social media.

social media presence of online travel brands according to millennials

71. 16% of millennial respondents said that online peer reviews and ratings are the most influential travel media channel when it comes to picking a holiday destination.


72. Technology is an integral part of travel for millennials, as 67% say that they visit online websites every day to research things to do as they travel.


73. 77% of millennials use text message daily while travelling.


This statistic may not be surprising as the average millennial spends 3 hours and 45 minutes on the internet daily.

74. Meanwhile, 55% of millennials also take travel photos and post them on social media every day.


These actions help millennials stay connected to their social networks back home, even while travelling.

75. Social media also plays a huge role in the millennial’s everyday life, with 58% of Chinese millennials putting importance in social validation.


According to the survey, they feel that comments left on their vacation photos are important to them.

76. 40% of millennials admit that their travel booking decisions are influenced by hotel and travel photos in their news and social media feeds.


77. 2 in 5 millennial travellers also say that they want to create an ideal version of themselves and their trips on social media.


78. Google searches for “flight hacks for cheap flights” and “travel hack flights” rose by 450% and 200%, respectively, between 2021 and 2022.


The travel report suggests that millennials are huge drivers behind these searches, mainly for the fairly new and modern terms “flight hacks” and “travel hacks”.

Millennial travel google search volume

Coronavirus Impact on Millennial Travel

How did the Coronavirus pandemic affect millennial travel?

79. A survey in 2022 revealed that 64% of Gen Z and millennials considered travel to be more important to them today than it was before the pandemic.


Following the pandemic, 64% of Gen Z and millennials combined are now considering travel to be more important to them now.

80. Compared to baby boomers, millennials are more likely (71%) to make more or the same amount of travel plans in 2022 than pre-pandemic.

[Hospitality Trends]

81. 20% of millennials claimed that their leisure travelling habits had not changed between 2020 and 2021.

[Hospitality Trends]

82. For 77% of millennials, the Covid-19 vaccine made travel feel safer and more comfortable in 2022.

[Hospitality Trends]

83. Meanwhile, just 35% of millennials said that COVID-19 might keep them from traveling in 2022.

[Hospitality Trends]

Covid-19 impact on millennial travellers

84. In 2022, the biggest Coronavirus-related concern for millennial travellers was infection.

[Hospitality Trends]

This was followed by large crowds, getting stranded, cancellations, and people not using masks.


That’s a wrap for our 80+ stats about millennial travel.

Undoubtedly, millennial travellers make up a huge proportion of the industry.

So whether you’re a millennial who loves travelling or a business owner looking to understand your potential market, we hope this post has been helpful.

Can you think of anything else we missed about millennial travel trends?

Drop us a comment below!

Check out these other travel statistics…


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